Health and Fitness
Health and Fitness EIA Fund 3127 Each school receiving EIA Fund 3127 must publish on its website the title and publisher of all health education materials approved, adopted, and used in the classroom. If your school receives these funds, and does not comply with the publishing requirements, SCDE will reduce the allocation by 1%. Please ensure you review your website for these items, and adjust if necessary. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Paul at [email protected].
FLCS’s Health Education Materials:
- Harcourt Health and Fitness for grades 5K-5th Grade
- Teen Health Course 1, 6th Grade
- Teen Health Course 2, 7th Grade
- Teen Health Course 3, 8th Grade
- Teen Health Course 1 Abstinence, 6th – 8th Grade
- Teen Health Course 1 Healthy Relationships and Sexuality, 6th – 8th Grade
- Teen Health Course 1 HIV and AIDS, 6th – 8th Grade
- Health Education Curriculum
Health & Wellness-K-5th Grade Macmillan McGraw Hill
Glencoe Teen Health 6th-8th Grade- McGraw Hill